Integrated Labor Lookup
With labor directly available in SocketTime, there's no reason to login to a 3rd party tool to find the labor times for any listed repair. In all areas you need labor guides, your team finds it. Those results are then tracked and stored in the history, letting anyone with access see what repair was chosen for the concern. It's ideal for reducing errors, speeding up the flow, and streamlining process through your shop.

Direct Access to Find Labor Times
Put accurate labor times at the fingertips of everyone on your team
Less mess, higher accuracy, and tracked intentions. Lookup labor during the repair order write-up, technician inspection process, or as a service advisor to complete a quote. The specific labor IDs write into the history so if there are questions later, you can coach and correct as needed. Don't miss another hour due to human error; those can add up. And when the job doesn't go according to plan, the tech is allowed to alter time as needed to the specific job requirements - but both times are cataloged for future reference.
Error Reduction
Customizable / Editable
Frequently Asked Questions
That the primary architecture of SocketTime gives you the flexibility to operate each rooftop independent; separate tech; advisors; departments. Setup sibling relationships to allow semi-independent operations like similar brands by a few minutes apart. Or even share roof top resources 100% representing mixed jobs on a single dashboard.
Within the management dashboard SocketTime allows anyone with access to navigate/jump between stores with a single button click. And managing the settings and configurationation are as simple with many areas set to inherit or sync settings across multiple rooftops should you share OpCodes or hours of operation, MPI configuration and more. This make it vastly easier to manage your shop(s).
Complete Transparency and Visibility
See it all! A single stop for single shops and multi-brand storefronts
If you managing one store, nine, or 90, give yourself insight into your business in one single tool. Know which shops are light on work, which ones are running ragged, and forecast possible opportunities for marketing so you're on top without jumping from tool to tool and dashboard to dashboard. It's all available with a few simple, streamlined clicks.