On the Same Page. All the Time.

Keep the lines of communication open with real-time chat

Have your customers expressed concerns about communication with service advisors and support personnel? Do your techs sometimes struggle to stay in touch with the team about a vehicle's progress? Or perhaps, there's valuable information from the tech lost as it's relayed to the customer. SocketTalk solves it all. It's an ideal solution to keep lines of communication open for all parties involved. Pass along MPI checklists, suggest additional work with photos or video to support it, update completion times, and find out when parts are available to finish the work. SocketTalk lets you choose who's in the conversation so everyone hears what they need to hear, and nothing that they shouldn't.

Improve CSI

Reduce Call Waste

Improve Upsells!

Frequently Asked Questions

Open Lines of Communication without Fragmentation

One place, one thread, one appointment, one dashboard

Are you facing difficulties with customer communication in your vehicle repair shop? Do your service advisors and support personnel struggle to interact with your clients effectively? Are your technicians finding it challenging to stay connected with the team regarding a vehicle's progress? Do you often lose important information as it is being relayed to the customer? If so, SocketTalk is the perfect solution for you.

SocketTalk is an innovative communication tool that keeps the lines of communication open for all parties involved. With SocketTalk, you can easily pass along MPI checklists, suggest additional work with supporting photos or videos, provide updates on completion times, and even find out when parts are available to finish the work.

One of the best features of SocketTalk is its ability to allow you to choose who is included in the conversation. This ensures that everyone hears exactly what they need to hear, without being bombarded with unnecessary information.

If you're a vehicle repair shop manager, SocketTalk is the ideal solution to streamline communication and enhance productivity in your shop. Say goodbye to miscommunication and lost information with SocketTalk.